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TypeScript’s Type System

TypeScript’s type system might seem simple at first, but it is capable of a surprising amount of complexity. Games have been written in the type sytem. Supposedly, it is even Turing complete!

This tutorial contains a few interesting examples to help you learn what you can do with the type system.

Boolean Logic

With conditional types it is possible to implement some basic control flow. In this example, we’ll implement if-else with types.

Setup and Branching Logic

First, let’s create our own True and False types by aliasing the builtin primitive values true and false.

type True = true;
type False = false;
type Bool = True | False;

Now, let’s also create Not, And, and Or.

type And<L extends Bool, R extends Bool> = L extends True ? R : L;
type Or<L extends Bool, R extends Bool> = L extends True ? L : R;
type Not<B extends Bool> = B extends True ? False : True;

In either an editor that can parse TypeScript types, or the TypeScript Playground, paste the code above and this following code.

type AndIsTrue = And<True, Not<False>>;
type AndIsFalse = And<False, True>;
type OrIsTrue = Or<Not<True>, True>;
type OrIsFAlse = Or<False, Not<True>>;

The detected types of AndIsTrue and OrIsTrue should be true, while AndIsFalse and OrIsFalse should be false.


Let’s implement if-else now!

type IfElse<B extends Bool, If, Else> = B extends True ? If : Else;

And let’s try it out!

// The detected type should be "it works!"
type ItWorks = IfElse<True, 'it works!', "it doesn't work...">;

// The detected type should be "ok!"
type SomethingMoreComplex = IfElse<Or<True, False>, IfElse<Not<And<True, Not<True>>>, 'ok!', undefined>, null>;

Linked List

Here’s something fun: finding the last element of a linked list as a type.


interface LinkedList {
    value: any;
    next: LinkedList | null;

Getting The Last Value

type LastValue<L extends LinkedList> = L['next'] extends null ? L['value'] : LastValue<NonNullable<L['next']>>;

Let’s try it out!

type LastValue1 = LastValue<{ value: 1, next: null }>;
type LastValue2 = LastValue<{ value: 1, next: { value: 2, next: null } }>;
type LastValue3 = LastValue<{ value: 1, next: { value: 2, next: { value: 3, next: null } } }>;

Array Manipulation

Reversing An Array Type

In this example, we will create a type that represents a reversed array.

type Reverse<T extends Array<unknown>> = 0 extends keyof T ?  (T extends [infer First, ...infer Remainder] ? [...Reverse<Remainder>, First] : T) : []

This is basically saying that, if 0 is in the array, then we know the array’s length is >= 1. We use [infer First, ...infer Remainder] to “split” the array T. Here we’re checking that T can be represented by an array with 1 value, and then 0 or more remaining values. The infer allows us to create new type variables inside the type definition. Otherwise, we might have needed a type signature like Reverse<T extends Array<unknown>, First extends unknown, Remainder extends Array<unknown>>, which would have been much more cumbersome. We put the first value at the end, and reverse the rest of the values recursively. If, for some reason, our array T cannot be represented as [First, ...Remainder], then we just return the unreversed array. Finally, if 0 is not a key of the array T, we assume T to be an empty array and return it. Note that at runtime this is not always true: here is a simple example where 0 would not be a key in an array with length >= 1.

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
delete arr[0];
console.log(arr); // [empty, 2, 3]
console.log(0 in arr); // false
console.log(1 in arr); // true

Anyway, let’s see our Reverse type in action!

type Test = Reverse<['one', 2, { value: 3 }]>;

The type of Test should be [{ value: 3 }, 2, "one"].

Note that Reverse will only work with arrays known at compile-time. If the array mutates at runtime, then the type of Reverse would “return” unknown[].